Windows recovery partition in a virtual environment

When hosting Windows 2022 in a virtual environment and you would like to resize a disk. That is quite difficult now because of a recovery partition that is added by default.
But I found a good write up about how to remove it and recreate it after the resize.

The Future of Software Development with Generative AI

The integration of generative AI into software development heralds a new era of efficiency, creativity, and collaboration. ChatGPT,, and exemplify how AI can transform traditional development practices, offering solutions that automate mundane tasks, enhance code quality, and foster innovation. As these tools evolve, they will continue to unlock new possibilities, making software development more accessible, efficient, and enjoyable.

However, the rise of generative AI in software development also poses challenges, including the need for rigorous testing of AI-generated code, ethical considerations, and the potential for job displacement. As the industry navigates these challenges, the focus must remain on leveraging AI to augment human capabilities, ensuring that these technologies contribute positively to the development ecosystem.

In conclusion, generative AI is redefining the landscape of software development. Platforms like ChatGPT,, and are at the forefront of this transformation, offering tools that automate, enhance, and innovate the way we create software. As we look to the future, the potential of generative AI in software development is boundless, promising a world where developers can achieve more with less effort and greater creativity. Automating Software Testing and Quality Assurance emerges as a game-changer in software testing and quality assurance. Leveraging generative AI, aims to simplify and automate the creation of test cases, making software testing faster and more efficient. It can generate comprehensive test suites based on the application’s requirements and use cases, ensuring thorough coverage and identifying potential issues early in the development cycle. This not only reduces the time and effort spent on testing but also significantly improves the quality and reliability of software products. is particularly valuable for Agile and DevOps teams, where rapid iteration and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) practices demand quick and effective testing solutions. Enhancing Code Reuse and Collaboration focuses on maximizing code reuse and facilitating collaboration among developers. It offers a platform where developers can find, share, and manage code snippets efficiently. By using generative AI, can suggest relevant snippets based on the developer’s current project context or coding patterns, streamlining the development process and reducing the need to write repetitive code. This not only boosts productivity but also encourages best practices and knowledge sharing within the development community. The platform’s intelligent search capabilities and personalized recommendations make it easier for developers to discover and integrate code snippets, fostering innovation and collaboration.

How to implement AI for your next project

Planning and Design: Laying the Groundwork with AI

The initial stages of software development set the foundation for the project’s success. Here, ChatGPT can be a game-changer by generating comprehensive project documentation, drafting design specifications, and suggesting architectural patterns tailored to the project’s goals. This application of AI not only accelerates the planning phase but also ensures a unified understanding of the project objectives and design across the team.

Development: Boosting Productivity with Code Snippets

As we move into the development phase, becomes an essential tool, that could provide your developers with a treasure trove of code snippets to reuse. This facilitates rapid coding, encourages the reuse of proven code, and minimizes the risk of bugs. Simultaneously, ChatGPT, codesnippets and can offer real-time coding assistance, simplifying complex algorithm explanations and streamlining the debugging process, which significantly enhances developer productivity and project momentum.

Testing and Quality Assurance: Ensuring Excellence with Automated Testing

In the realm of testing and quality assurance, emerges as a vital ally. Its ability to automate the creation of detailed test cases and suites guarantees comprehensive coverage and early detection of potential issues, streamlining the testing process while elevating the software’s overall quality. This automation is particularly beneficial for teams adopting Agile and DevOps methodologies, facilitating rapid iterations and high-quality outputs.

Integration and Deployment: Smoothing the Path with AI-Generated Scripts

The integration and deployment stages benefit immensely from generative AI through the creation of scripts for continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD). ChatGPT’s capacity to generate these scripts ensures that code changes are efficiently tested and deployed, aligning perfectly with Agile and DevOps practices for faster and more reliable software releases.

Maintenance and Updates: Continuous Improvement through AI

Lastly, in the maintenance and update phases, generative AI tools shine by identifying optimization or refactoring opportunities. All three options will assist you in making your code more efficient finding bugs faster and facilitating a cycle of continuous improvement and keeping the software robust and up-to-date with the latest practices.

Best Practices for Integrating Generative AI

To effectively integrate generative AI into the software development cycle, it’s crucial to:

  • Start Small: Introduce AI tools into smaller, non-critical tasks to gauge their impact and refine your approach.
  • Educate Your Team: Ensure your team is well-versed in the capabilities and limitations of the AI tools to maximize their potential.
  • Iterate and Adapt: Use feedback from each phase to tweak and optimize the use of AI tools in your workflow.

By incorporating generative AI tools into the software development cycle, teams can not only streamline their workflows but also unlock new levels of creativity and innovation. As these tools continue to evolve, they promise to further revolutionize the field of software development, making it more efficient, enjoyable, and boundless in its potential.

Recovering diskspace Windows

I will continue the theme as the blog post Kim Greene did (tried to make a comment but got blocked as a suspicious bot ????)

The major problem for me on windows servers is not actually files that ends with .tmp it’s files that start with EO and ends with TM.

These can become several GB of data on a busy domino server not really sure what they are used for but if they are not created today I delete them and haven’t seen any side effects due to this.
I use this command to delete the files del <path to temp folder>\eo*tm /S /Q and run it in a cmd file using windows scheduler, you could probably run it using a program document also. But I haven’t tried that one.

In the same area, newer versions of windows seams to do some cleanup in the temp folder that makes xpages uploads to stop working due to the fact that the xspupload folder is removed this is solved by moving the notes temp folder to another location with a notes.ini parameter notes_tempdir.

Feel free to comment with your best clean up tips!!

Check out my AI powered Bot

I have added an AI powered bot on xpagedeveloper, you will find it in the left lower corner.

It’s packed with Domino knowledge, give it a spin and comment and let me know what you think.
Any response by the bot is ofcourse a suggestion and I don’t take any responsibility for what you do with the result

This is not Domino it’s delivered as a Saas application and can be trained for any business, implementation is simple and require only that an external javascript library in the JS Header.
Contact me if you want to learn more.

Happy Botting

SAML Login redirections problem in Domino 12

Before we dive into the problem, let’s briefly understand the SAML authentication process within HCL Domino:

  1. User requests access: A user attempts to access a resource (e.g., a web application) protected by SAML authentication.
  2. Identity Provider (IdP) initiation: The user is redirected to an Identity Provider (IdP) for authentication. The IdP can be an external service or a SAML-enabled component within Domino itself.
  3. Authentication: The user logs in at the IdP. Upon successful authentication, the IdP generates a SAML assertion, a digitally signed XML document containing authentication information.
  4. SAML assertion delivery: The SAML assertion is sent back to the Domino server.
  5. Domino server validation: Domino verifies the SAML assertion’s authenticity and extracts user identity information.
  6. User redirection: If the SAML authentication is successful, Domino redirects the user to the requested resource.

The Samesite Cookie Issue

The problem arises at step 6 in the SAML authentication process. Users are not being redirected as expected, and this issue is attributed to a relatively new feature in web browsers called “Samesite.”

The user is ending up at the first login page specified, giving users a hard time because they need to navigate back to where they where and links in emails is not working.

What is Samesite?

Samesite is a cookie attribute introduced to enhance web security and user privacy. It specifies how cookies should behave in cross-origin requests. It can have three possible values: “Strict,” “Lax,” or “None.”

  • “Strict”: Cookies are not sent in cross-origin requests, even on top-level navigations. This is the most restrictive setting.
  • “Lax”: Cookies are sent in top-level navigations, e.g., when following links, but not in cross-origin requests triggered by scripts.
  • “None”: Cookies are sent in all requests, regardless of origin.

The Impact on SAML Authentication

The “Strict” value of the Samesite attribute causes the issue during SAML authentication within Domino 12. The samesite options for cookies in domino is a new feature not found in older versions. When Domino sets cookies, such as the session cookie that maintains user authentication state, to “SameSite=Strict,” these cookies may not be sent in the cross-origin request initiated after successful authentication.

This causes Domino to ignore the redirect request, an fellow community member Renato Casati, gave me the solution on Twitter and that was to add a new notes.ini parameter making domino setting the cookie to Lax mode instead.

Read more here

Time matters with SAML

Keeping you servers time synked is important for server operations to keep running smoothly. And if you are using SAML it’s crucial because if your servers time drifts away you will get BAD SAML REQUEST and your users can’t login. To find out if this is the problem add DEBUG_SAML=31 (Set it to 0 to turn it off) in your notes ini and look for this entry.

SECCheckSAMLAssertion> NotBefore time check failed : Single Sign-On token has a creation time in the future. Single Sign-On servers may need to have clocks synchronized.

SECCheckAndParseSAMLResponse> Exiting : Single Sign-On token has a creation time in the future. Single Sign-On servers may need to have clocks synchronized.
SECCheckAndParseSAMLResponse failed with error: Single Sign-On token has a creation time in the future. Single Sign-On servers may need to have clocks synchronized.
Error in SAML response – Single Sign-On token has a creation time in the future. Single Sign-On servers may need to have clocks synchronized.

If this is found check the clock on the server and if you can turn on automatical timesynk.

For other SAML problems check out my SAML article Debugging SAML setups in HCL Domino

Hotspots not working in Domino 9.01 FP10

Because this is not clearly documented on the HCL support site I will add a note so it will show up in search, In Domino 9.01 fixpack 10 and any hotfix after that a hotspot with an @formula onclick action is not working. so if you are using them for actions in your domino web or notes client applications these actions will not work without this Notes.ini param DOMINO_REVERT_MKIN9Z6UZ2=1 due to some changed hotspot behavior that is changed back in Domino 10,11,12

Certificate Information tool v4

SSL certificates, SAML certificates, Signing certificates the number is long of different kinds of certificates and you might need to check the name of a certificate, the start or end date or perhaps the thumbprint.

I use the tool mainly to get end dates of certificates sent to me from customers because I hate when they expire and need to be changed without any preparation. And the worst kind that most administrators often miss is the certificates that is auto created i.e. in ADFS servers, Azure Enterprise apps, Okta

With Certinfo it super simple to check a certificate CertInfo.exe -file <path to file> -enddate will print the end date and time on the console. Or you can do CertInfo.exe -cert <Base64 of cert> -subject and you will get the subject of the cert.

In version 2 I’ve also added -url as a parameter to get the certificate directly of the webserver.

Version 3 this version have a new parameter called -urlfile it takes an text file with webserver adresses or ip adresses separated with newline and will return the info from all of them.

Version 4 has a parameter to get the info saved in a csv format. also the property -urlinfo to print out the url send in to the command. also the parameter -urlfilestring this enabled you to add a semicolon after the url in a text file and print out this for each line, good when you do a csv printout.
And finally a fix is applied to prevent redirect this is to get the cert from the server that is requested even if it redirects the request.

Download and test CertInfo here

Folder icons created by cahiwak – Flaticon

XPages runtime java errors – One or more parameters are null

I will continue to writeups on strange and sometimes unknown XPage and Java related errors that I encounter. Today I suddenly got a new error I never seen before and started to investigate, finding the solution after some troubleshooting that is a good feeling of beating the computer beast.

Computer beast that has been defeated
AI generated Computer beast

The error I got was this Argument error: One or more parameters are null.
or in swedish Argumentfel: En eller fler parametrar är null.

The error doesn’t say anything about the problem but the lines after this in the strack trace gave me the clue I needed.


The first line pointed me to something generating html and the second and third line gave me the answer an HTML component with an attribute that has a null pointer error. The attr property on an html component in HCL XPages doesn’t have any nullpointer protection. So in this case I had an attribute pointing to an viewScope variable that was null in some cases and that gave the problem.

My simple solution was to add this function to all attribute values.

function checkNull(data){
   return ""
   return data

Check out the summary page for all errors I have compiled

The following stack trace is only posted for search engine SEO indexing

java.lang.NullPointerException: Argument error: One or more parameters are null.

SVG Images not working in older Domino releases

By default svg images doesn’t work in older versions of Domino like version 9.01, 10 perhaps even 11
I have verified in version 12 and there it work fine without problems.

First if you can you should upgrade to version 12 it has so much great features but if you can’t do this for some reason. Luckily there is an easy fix, in the Domino data directory there is a file httpd.cnf open up this file add add this line below i.e the Images section, placement isn’t important.

AddType .svg image/svg+xml # SVG format

save the file and restart you domino server. Remember that cache is always kicking in if you are trying to check if something like this working ???

young troubled woman using laptop at home
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on